

Base Options

All prompt types have the following base options.

Prompt message

With the message option you specify the prompt message to display. This option is required for all prompts.

Default value

You can set a default value with the default option. The type depends on the prompt type.

Hide default value

By default the default value is displayed in the prompt. To hide the default value, you can set the hideDefault option to true.

Transform displayed value

The transform callback option lets you transform the value to display. The method receives the user input and the value returned value will be displayed.

Validate value

With the validate callback option you can validate the user input. It receives as first argument the sanitized user input.

  • If true is returned, the value is valid.
  • If false is returned, an error message is shown.
  • If a string is returned, the value will be used as error message.

Info message

With the hint option you can display an info message that is displayed below the prompt.

Pointer icon

With the pointer option the pointer icon can be changed.

import { colors } from "";
import { Input } from "";

const result: string = await Input.prompt({
  message: "Say hallo!",
  pointer: colors.bold.brightBlue("-->"),

console.log({ result });Copy

Prompt indentation

With the indent option you can change the prompt indentation. Default is " ".

OS signals


⚠️ The cbreak option works currently only on Linux and macOS!

The cbreak option enables pass-through of os signals to deno, allowing you to register your own signal handler. Read more about os signals here.


By default each prompt message is prefixed with yellow("? "). The prefix can be change with the prefix option. The value supports ansi color codes. To disable the prefix, set the prefix option to an empty string "".


With the reader option you can change the input stream which defaults to Deno.stdin.


With the writer option you can change the output stream which defaults to Deno.stdout.