
Dynamic prompts

You can dynamically control the flow of the prompt list with the before and after callbacks which works like a middleware function.

import {
} from "";

const result = await prompt([{
  name: "animals",
  message: "Select some animals",
  type: Checkbox,
  options: ["dog", "cat", "snake"],
}, {
  name: "like",
  message: "Do you like animals?",
  type: Confirm,
  after: async ({ like }, next) => { // executed after like prompt
    if (like) {
      await next(); // run age prompt
    } else {
      await next("like"); // run like prompt again
}, {
  name: "age",
  message: "How old are you?",
  type: Number,
  before: async ({ animals }, next) => { // executed before age prompt
    if (animals?.length === 3) {
      await next(); // run age prompt
    } else {
      await next("animals"); // begin from start

$ deno run


Following options are available as global and/or prompt specific options. Global options will be passed as second argument to the prompt() method.

Prompt name

The name option is required for each prompt and is used as key for the results object where the answer of the prompt is stored.

Prompt type

The type option is required for each prompt and specifies the type of the prompt.

Before and after hooks

The before callback method is called before and the after callback method after the prompt is executed. It is available as global and prompt specific option.

The first argument is the result object which contains all already available answers.

The second argument is the next() method which executes the next prompt in the list (for the before callback it’s the current prompt). To jump to a specific prompt you can pass the name or index of the prompt to the next() method. To skip this prompt you can pass true to the next() method. If next() isn’t called all other prompts will be skipped.

OS signals


⚠️ The cbreak option works currently only on Linux and macOS!

The cbreak option enables pass-through of os signals to deno, allowing you to register your own signal handler. It is available as global and prompt specific option. Read more about os signals here.