
Rows and cells

It is also possible to customize single rows and cell. To do this you can use the Row and Cell class. The Row class is also an Array class like the Table class.

import { Cell, Row, Table } from "";

new Table()
  .header(Row.from(["Name", "Date", "City", "Country"]).border())
      "Baxter Herman",
      new Cell("Oct 1, 2020").border(),
      "Row 1 Column 3",
    new Row("Jescie Wolfe", "Dec 4, 2020", "Alto Hospicio", "Japan").border(
    ["Allegra Cleveland", "Apr 16, 2020", "Avernas-le-Bauduin", "Samoa"],
    ["Aretha Gamble", "Feb 22, 2021", "Honolulu", "Georgia"],
$ deno run


Row border

To enable row border you can use the .border() method.

Align row content

The .align() method aligns the content of all cells in the row. The first argument is the direction. Possible values are:

  • "left"
  • "right"
  • "center"

Clone row

The .clone() method clones the entire row.


Cell border

With the .border() method you can add border to a cell.

Align cell content

The .aling() method aligns the content of the cell. The first argument is the direction. Possible values are:

  • "left"
  • "right"
  • "center"

Colspan and rowspan

.colSpan() and .rowSpan() allows a single table cell to span the width/height of more than one column and/or row. With .colSpan() and .rowSpan() the next or lower cell is moved to the right if the next or lower cell is not of type undefined. If it’s of type undefined the cell is overriden.

The following examples both have the same output.

Override undefined values

import { Cell, Table } from "";

    new Cell("Row 1 & 2 Column 1").rowSpan(2),
    "Row 1 Column 2",
    "Row 1 Column 3",
  [undefined, new Cell("Row 2 Column 2 & 3").colSpan(2), undefined],
    new Cell("Row 3 & 4 Column 1").rowSpan(2),
    "Row 3 Column 2",
    "Row 3 Column 3",
  [undefined, new Cell("Row 4 Column 2 & 3").colSpan(2), undefined],
    "Row 5 Column 1",
    new Cell("Row 5 & 6 Column 2 & 3").rowSpan(2).colSpan(2),
  ["Row 6 Column 1", undefined, undefined],

Omit undefined values

import { Cell, Table } from "";

    new Cell("Row 1 & 2 Column 1").rowSpan(2),
    "Row 1 Column 2",
    "Row 1 Column 3",
  [new Cell("Row 2 Column 2 & 3").colSpan(2)],
    new Cell("Row 3 & 4 Column 1").rowSpan(2),
    "Row 3 Column 2",
    "Row 3 Column 3",
  [new Cell("Row 4 Column 2 & 3").colSpan(2)],
  ["Row 5 Column 1", new Cell("Row 5 & 6 Column 2 & 3").rowSpan(2).colSpan(2)],
  ["Row 6 Column 1"],
$ deno run

Clone cell

To clone a single cell you can use the .clone() method.