

Fast and customizable table module to render unicode tables on the command line.


Basic Usage

To create a table you can simple create an instance of the Table class and pass the rows as arguments to the constructor. The example below will output a simple table with three rows and without any styles. The only default option is padding which is set to 1.

import { Table } from "@cliffy/table";

const table: Table = new Table(
  ["Baxter Herman", "Oct 1, 2020", "Harderwijk", "Slovenia"],
  ["Jescie Wolfe", "Dec 4, 2020", "Alto Hospicio", "Japan"],
  ["Allegra Cleveland", "Apr 16, 2020", "Avernas-le-Bauduin", "Samoa"],
  ["Aretha Gamble", "Feb 22, 2021", "Honolulu", "Georgia"],

$ deno run examples/table/basic_usage.tsCopy

Using as Array

Since the Table class is an Array, you can call all the methods of the array class like .from(), .sort(), .push(), .unshift() and friends.

import { Table } from "@cliffy/table";

const table: Table = Table.from([
  ["Baxter Herman", "Oct 1, 2020", "Harderwijk", "Slovenia"],
  ["Jescie Wolfe", "Dec 4, 2020", "Alto Hospicio", "Japan"],
  ["Allegra Cleveland", "Apr 16, 2020", "Avernas-le-Bauduin", "Samoa"],

table.push(["Aretha Gamble", "Feb 22, 2021", "Honolulu", "Georgia"]);
$ deno run examples/table/using_as_array.tsCopy