
Table options

To customize the table, the table class provides a few chainable option methods. To see a list of all available options go to the Table API section.

import { Table } from "";

new Table()
  .header(["Name", "Date", "City", "Country"])
    ["Baxter Herman", "Oct 1, 2020", "Harderwijk", "Slovenia"],
    ["Jescie Wolfe", "Dec 4, 2020", "Alto Hospicio", "Japan"],
    ["Allegra Cleveland", "Apr 16, 2020", "Avernas-le-Bauduin", "Samoa"],
    ["Aretha Gamble", "Feb 22, 2021", "Honolulu", "Georgia"],
$ deno run

Header and Body

To define a table header you can use the .header() method. The header is not affected by any Array method like .sort() because it is stored as a separate property and not in the array stack. The .body() method adds an array of rows to the table and removes all existing rows.

The first argument of the .header() method can be an Array of string and/or Cell.

The first argument of the .body() can be an Array of rows and a row can be an Array of string and Cell. You can read more about rows and cells here.

import { Table } from "";

new Table()
  .header(["Name", "Date", "City", "Country"])
    ["Baxter Herman", "Oct 1, 2020", "Harderwijk", "Slovenia"],
    ["Jescie Wolfe", "Dec 4, 2020", "Alto Hospicio", "Japan"],
    ["Allegra Cleveland", "Apr 16, 2020", "Avernas-le-Bauduin", "Samoa"],
    ["Aretha Gamble", "Feb 22, 2021", "Honolulu", "Georgia"],
$ deno run


The .columns(columns) method can be used to set column options of multiple columns. All available column options can be found here.

import { Column, Table } from "";

new Table()
    ["Baxter Herman", "Oct 1, 2020", "Harderwijk", "Slovenia"],
    ["Jescie Wolfe", "Dec 4, 2020", "Alto Hospicio", "Japan"],
    ["Allegra Cleveland", "Apr 16, 2020", "Avernas-le-Bauduin", "Samoa"],
    ["Aretha Gamble", "Feb 22, 2021", "Honolulu", "Georgia"],
    { border: true },
    new Column().align("right"),


With the .column(index, options) method you can set options for a single column at a specific index. All available column options can be found here.

import { Column, Table } from "";

new Table()
    ["Baxter Herman", "Oct 1, 2020", "Harderwijk", "Slovenia"],
    ["Jescie Wolfe", "Dec 4, 2020", "Alto Hospicio", "Japan"],
    ["Allegra Cleveland", "Apr 16, 2020", "Avernas-le-Bauduin", "Samoa"],
    ["Aretha Gamble", "Feb 22, 2021", "Honolulu", "Georgia"],
  .column(0, {
    border: true,
  .column(1, new Column().align("right"))


The .render() method outputs the table to stdout. If you need the output as string you can use the .toString() method return the table as string.

Column width

You can set the min/max with of columns with the .minColWidth() and .maxColWidth() methods.

Cell padding

The .padding() method adds padding to all cell.


You can enable border by using the .border() method.

Border style

With the .chars() method you can change the border style.

Here is an example of the default border characters:

  "top": "─",
  "topMid": "┬",
  "topLeft": "┌",
  "topRight": "┐",
  "bottom": "─",
  "bottomMid": "┴",
  "bottomLeft": "└",
  "bottomRight": "┘",
  "left": "│",
  "leftMid": "├",
  "mid": "─",
  "midMid": "┼",
  "right": "│",
  "rightMid": "┤",
  "middle": "│"

Align content

The content can be aligned with the .align() method. The first argument is the direction. Possible values are:

  • "left"
  • "right"
  • "center"

Table indent

With the .indent() method you can add indentation to the table.


The .clone() method clones the entire table.