

Prompt snapshot

You can use the ansi module to generate some control sequences to control a prompt in your test.

import { snapshotTest } from "";
import { Checkbox } from "";
import { ansi } from "";

await snapshotTest({
  name: "should check an option",
  meta: import.meta,
  stdin: ansi
    .text(" ")
  async fn() {
    await Checkbox.prompt({
      message: "Select an option",
      options: [
        { name: "Foo", value: "foo" },
        { name: "Bar", value: "bar" },
        { name: "Baz", value: "baz" },

Command snapshot

A simple example with two steps and different arguments to snapshot the output of a command.

import { snapshotTest } from "";
import { Command } from "";

await snapshotTest({
  name: "command",
  meta: import.meta,
  ignore: === "windows",
  colors: true,
  steps: {
    "should delete a file": {
      args: ["/foo/bar"],
    "should delete a directory recursively": {
      args: ["--recursive", "/foo/bar"],
  async fn() {
    await new Command()
      .option("-r, --recursive", "Delete recursive.")
      .action(({ recursive }, path) => {
        if (recursive) {
          console.log("Delete recursive: %s", path);
        } else {
          console.log("Delete: %s", path);